Thursday, November 5, 2009

Scratch and meeting content standards...

Now, that I have a better understanding of the uses of scratch--I believe that this will be a very useful tool for students. It will allow them to convey the information they have learned through visual and auditory displays that can be shared in a variety of different settings within a classroom. The content standard I chose is from the WV Department of Education Content Standards for 21st Century Learning and Technology.

21C.O.PK-2.1.LS3 Student articulates thoughts and ideas, representative of real and imaginary experiences, clearly and effectively through oral, written or multimedia communication.

The Scratch project that I would like to modify that meets this content standard can be found by clicking here. The first modification I would make is that I would like to see these same issues addressed, but I would like it to show how it would impact the student's life in particular. It is generally easier to understand a concept such as pollution etc. if it is presented to you on a level that you can personally relate to. Secondly, I would like to change some of the background images instead of just showing pictures of the earth. Finally, I would modify the color of the text. I think it would be more powerful if another color was chosen.

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